Our Wicca Course

Ever wanted to learn witchcraft? Ever felt your inner Witch, "calling out to you" but just don't have the practical knowledge to be a practicing Witch? Are you curious about how to implement the craft into your current beliefs? THEN THIS SIMPLE and FUN course is PERFECT for YOU!

Ever wanted to learn witchcraft? (The GOOD kind?) Ever felt your inner Witch, “calling out to you” but just don’t have the practical knowledge to be practicing the craft? Are you curious about how to implement the craft into your current beliefs seamlessly? Whether you are a beginner to the Craft or want to brush up on your magical workings with a fresh, LOVE BASED perspective on personal enlightenment, THEN THIS SIMPLE and FUN course is PERFECT for YOU!

They say it takes a YEAR and a day to become a Witch, but WE say, 366 lessons done at YOUR OWN PACE, achieves the same goal! YOU can ABSOLUTELY empower yourself with full knowledge of the how to’s of all things magick on this path! Start your magickal journey TODAY! It’s SO easy to follow our daily, easy to understand lessons. Our course includes traditional Wiccan teachings with a focus on metaphysical Wicca and harnessing the most powerful energy in the universe… LOVE and LIGHT!! (This is NOT a dark occult arts course) In this enlightening course you will easily LEARN:

*Amazing personal empowerment techniques

*Manifesting techniques

*Forgiveness & healing

*Candle Magick

*ALL the basics you need to know about Wicca & the Craft

*Understanding the universe and how magick works

*How to cast, create, and write your own spells EASILY!

*The basics on a witch’s altar and her tools including how to use herbs, candles, oils, gems, talismans, and other magickal items

*How to create ritual alone or with coven mates

*How to create your very OWN, custom Wiccan path that feels just right for YOU! (After all, there is NO set way to practice this path. It is up to the practitioner to interpret, create, and express their own Wiccan goddess, divinity within!)

Your E-Course printable PDF Download INCLUDES ALL 366 electronically delivered lessons! Our course is designed to get you deep in touch with all parts of yourself, as well as educate and enlighten you with both the old traditions of Wicca with incredibly NEW spiritual and magickal applications. This one of a kind course was created by a 25 + years practicing white Witch and High Priestess coven leader who has mastered the art of magick and the craft. Her divine secrets to a successful and enlightening path as a Witch will soon be YOURS to apply to YOUR life! Click HERE! to get started TODAY!

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